Buckie has been adopted!
Buckie, one of our Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH) kitties, is looking for a new home. Buckie is protective and affectionate while. He is 9 months old as of January 2023. Neema is his mom.
Home owner
Vet reference
Prefer special needs experience
Nonslip floors (would do best on carpet)
Prefer only pet home, as they cannot defend themselves
Older, gentle/pet responsible kiddos or child-free home
Kitties with CH are not safe being picked up. They do not have control of their body and may accidentally jump out of ones arms, causing injuries. They too can easily get startled and are safest on the ground. Warnings prior to vacuuming, etc., allows them time to move at a distance if they so choose.
Please message us with questions!